Blue Stone Hole in the WallThe desert is silent beyond the ruins of Bluestone, Nevada.
Blue Stone Power PlantThe power plant stands as the last remaining symbol of the once thriving mining town of Bluestone, Nevada.
Bluestone Mason ValleyThe green of Mason Valley, Nevada, contrasts the harsh brown of the surrounding desert.
Desert Star TrailsThe stars streak across the midnight sky over the Senates Mountains near Weed Heights, Nevada.
LizardBluestone, Nevada, resident seeks a cool spot in the July afternoon.
Rawhide Fence Post and Barrel RingsFence posts and barrel rings are all that remain of the once bustling boomtown of Rawhide, Nevada.
Rawhide Tangled FenceThe desert near Rawhide, Nevada, is littered with the reminders of its once bustling past.
Yerington Water TowerThe Yerington water tower stands tall against the early monring sky.